Vitaliy Netrunenko

Graduated from the Kyiv Municipal Dance Academy named Serge Lifar (2011, class of V. Soldatenko) and Kherson State University (2022, Faculty of Culture and Arts, specialty – master of choreography).

Since 2011 – artist-intern, since 2014 – soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine.
2023- artist of Ballet Kiel (Germany)

In the repertoire of the dancer of the party:

Albert («Giselle» by A. Adana)
Golden Slave («Sheherazade» by M. Rimsky – Korsakov)
Rothbard, Napoli dance (Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky)
Crassus, Etruscan dance(«Spartak» by A. Khachaturian)
Tibald, Benvolio, Mercutio («Romeo Juliet» by S. Prokofiev)
John, Manolios («The Greek Zorba» by M. Theodorakis)
Corsaire, Slave (“Le Corsaire” by A.Adam)
Abderahman («Raymond» by O. Glazunov)
Stepan, Prince, Young Man (K. Dankevich’s «Lily»)
Prince («Cinderella» by S. Prokofiev)
Miller («El sombrero de tres picos (Triangular hat)» MD Falli
Figaro, Cherubino, Marcelina («The Wedding of Figaro» to the music of Mozart)
Robber («Snow Queen» by music by P. Tchaikovsky and other composers)
Espado («Don Quixote» by L. Minkus)
Woland, Hippopotamus («The Master and Margarita» on national music)
Magdavaya, Golden Idol («Bayaderka» by L. Minkus)
Damn (Evenings on the farm near Dykanka «E. Stanovich)
Cat in boots, Blue bird («Sleeping Beauty» by P. Tchaikovsky)
Drosselmayer, Spanish doll, Russian doll, Franch dance («The Nutcracker» by P. Tchaikovsky)
Perelesnyk, Kuts («Forest Song» by M. Skorulsky)
Mark Anthony («Walpurgis Night», ballet suite from the opera «Faust» by S. Gounod)
Pinocchio (Yu. Shevchenko’s ballet of the same name)
Koshchi Immortal («Firebird» by I. Stravinsky)
Pompey («Julius Caesar» on the music of O. Respighi)
Virgil («Dante» to the music of various composers)
and other.
Othello (“Othello 2.0” Choreography by Amilcar Moder Gonzalez)

As part of the ballet he toured in USA, Japan, Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, Poland, Slovakia, Canada, China, Norway, and other countries.